Majority of Americans love having there morning cup of Joe. In fact, Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee a day, that’s equivalent to 146 billion cups of coffee per year! Now that’ a lot of coffee beans.

When you walk into a coffee shop, the smell of coffee just fills the entire store. There’s no denying the powerful, and pungent aroma that the coffee bean holds. When you’re shopping in the perfume department, it’s quite common to see a container of coffee beans. Coffee beans are olfactory palate cleansers. When you’re smelling numerous fragrances, it can easily overwhelm your sense of smell.

When it comes to foul odors in your home, have you ever thought about using the powerful scent of coffee beans to overpower those unpleasant smells?

Here’s a couple great remedy that only takes one ingredient that you probably already have in your kitchen!

DIY Air Freshener

After you’ve brewed some coffee for yourself in the morning, take the coffee beans and spread them thinly on a cookie sheet. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Bake the coffee ground until they’re dry. Take a mason jar, and place the coffee beans inside the open container. Simply, place the open container in any room where there might be a stinky odor (Kitchen, or bathroom).

Carpet Deodorizer for Pet Odors

Using the dried coffee grounds that were placed in the oven, place them in a coffee filter. Next, take a rubber band and tie the top closed, so the coffee grounds don’t spill. Depending on the size of the pet stain, it would be beneficial to make several of these “coffee filter balloons” to cover the entire area. Then, place the coffee filter balloons over the pet stain, allow them to sit overnight and work their magic! When you’re finished you can just toss them in the trash, or your compost pile.

If you want to eliminate pesky odors on a budget, go for the coffee grounds! It’s most likely already in your kitchen, therefore you don’t have to go out and buy a thing!