Where…oh…where…does the dirty carpet water go…ever wondered this? The carpet cleaning industry has changed dramatically through the years…for the better! Many of the carpet cleaning products used are greener, healthier and do a much better job emulsifying carpet soil. The bottom line, detergents and solvent bases are no longer needed due to the change in carpet cleaning technology. All though, some of the older products are still available, most companies have moved on to newer more advanced technologies that are better for everyone, including the environment! Let’s talk about it!

First, with the introduction of “GREEN” products into the carpet cleaning industry, the disposal of the waste is cleaner, easier and cost effective for companies to manage. Many of the carpet cleaning Pre-Treaters, Carpet Powders & Liquefied Pre-Mixes are manufactured from natural acids such as lemons, limes and oranges. The acids & oils do not come from the fruit itself, but from the peels of the fruit only. Once extracted, the natural oils work great as an emulsifier in eliminating soil compounds. Basically, the acids break down the soil, therefore allowing the soil to be stripped away from the fiber and disposed of. Natural acids cause no harm to the environment and can be disposed of with no negative concerns…whoo…hoo! Since these products are natural, carpet cleaning companies (depending on federal & state laws) can pump out on the ground as they clean the carpet. It’s up to each carpet cleaning company to obey federal and state laws. This cannot be done if any type of waste such as urine, feces, vomit or toxic chemicals are being extracted from the carpet. In this case, the waste water is dumped into a holding tank and picked-up by a waste disposal company. This was also the case years ago when solvent and detergent based products were being used. Carpet cleaning companies would set-up contracts with waste management companies to dispose of the waste water. The waster water is then filtered, sanitized and disposed of.

Today, not only can carpet cleaning companies use “GREEN” products, but we also have to ability to filter and sanitize our waste water systems. For example, carpet cleaning waste tanks have double and triple filters to decontaminate the waste water from debris such as lint, plastic, metal etc…which are disposed of properly versus dumped with little traces of contaminants. If maintained properly, these filters work extremely well! Next, many newer carpet cleaning truck-mount systems come equipped with water sanitizing filtration systems to sanitize the water. Once the water is extracted from the carpet, it’s filtered, then chlorinating tablets sanitize and remove bacteria from the waste water. Once pre-filtered and sanitized, the waste water is disposed of on-site or pick-up by a waste management company.

The bottom line, the carpet cleaning industry has changed to benefit the customer and the environment. Not only are “GREEN” carpet cleaning products good for the environment, but they are equally as good for you and your family. Be sure to ask what type of products are being used when scheduling you next appointment.