I can hear it now, what does an old t-shirt have to do with carpet? Well, more than you would think from a certain point of view…let’s compare them! Okay, most everyone has owned a “favorite t-shirt” right? Well, maybe not, but for the ones who have…you loved that t-shirt! You probably wore that t-shirt everywhere and then some! After time, it began to look dull and yellow from being soiled then washed…soiled then washed! Then it was time to break out the bleach right? Of course, throw tons of bleach into the washer and your dingy t-shirt is good as new…wrong? So, even after 3-4 washes with bleach, your t-shirt still looks yellow…how could that be? First, t-shirts are made from mostly cotton (natural fiber) and will discolor over time!

Natural fibers draw soil into the fiber causing discoloration that is permanent. This typically happens over time and is caused by excessive wear. Just like the tires on your car age, so does your t-shirt! Okay, enough withthe t-shirt thing! Here’s the point, sometimes people don’t understand something unless described in simplistic terms…just how it is!

Moving on, carpet is NO different than a plain white t-shirt! As a carpet cleaning company, we receive more questions about dingy/dull light carpet that has darkened over time. So, consumers want to know how to fix this. Unfortunately, there is only so much that can be done! Honestly speaking, there really is very little than can be done safely without the use of harsh chemicals. Yes, using a solvent base cleaner will lighten and brighten, but it is toxic and can delaminate the carpet backing. This will permanetly damage your carpet! Even then, using harsh chemicals will only go so far…just how it is!

Liquid or powdered brightners can reduce discoloration on light carpet. These products are hydrogen peroxide based and will brighten only so much! You will typicall see a reduction of about 20% in a high traffic area…that’s it! The bottom line, you cannot stop the aging process of anything…everything ages in due time! So, there is NO magical cure to make your 10 year old light beige carpet look new…not going to happen! But, as mentioned, there are some products that can be used to help. The most important thing is to be realistic about your carpet cleaning goals. Can you clean and sanitize the carpet, making it healthy for you and your family…YES! Can you make the carpet look brighter ans whiter, the answer is YES…but only so much! Can you give the carpet a more restored look…YES, but over time that new look will look old again.

At this point…you get it! Just be realistic about the outcome of your carpet cleaning. To clarify, there are many good companies to choose from, and YES, the difference between dirty soiled carpet and FRESH CLEAN carpet is HUGE! In time, once on a regular carpet cleaning regiment, you can make your carpet look better for longer periods. The more often you clean your carpet…the better it will always look!